Lotka-Volterra is an international scifi larp set in a bleak near future where mankind is all but extinct, preyed upon by technologically superior alien threat, but nevertheless surviving against all odds. You will be playing one of the survivors of Haven Colony, doing a several months long duty shift at the semi-military outpost of Thermopylae.Producers
Lotka-Volterra is produced by Berättelsefrämjandet & Ariadnes Red Thread. By signing up for Lotka-Volterra you also become a member of Berättelsefrämjandet. This is great, because it makes you covered by a couple of pretty great insurance policies should anything happen.Practical Breakdown
Lurbo, just outside Uppsala, Sweden (30 min drive from Arlanda Airport)When
5th to 8th of April 2018Participants
Maximum 300. We are now sold out!Cost
3600 SEK - Supporter ticket2600 SEK - Standard ticket
1700 SEK - Subsidized tickets
(limited availability, available on request)