Teams : Internal Security

To protect and serve

Internal Security

"Ensuring the order"

You are Internal Security, the peacekeepers and security guards of Thermopylae. In Haven, IntSec are civilian and outside the military hierarchy but here, everyone except the Intelligence people are part of the hierarchy. However, that doesn’t mean you’re running around guns drawn or anything - no, that stuff is strictly regulated. However, it does mean that in theory, Command can use you to keep order.

There’s a strong sense of belonging to the civilian part of society within the IntSec. Maybe it is because IntSec in Haven was created to counterbalance the military’s outward-facing security or because of the distaste for the concept of a military police that many Democrats have, but that’s how it is. That makes your mission even more important. People have to see that IntSec are here to protect everyone against their own squabbles and fights, not as the enforcers of Command. You’re on everyone’s side and people should be able to count on your impartiality. It’s part of the spirit of the Internal Security.

Your job is manyfold - security checks on fire safety, checking so that doors are closed where they should be, making sure people shut down their electric appliances, screens and lights if Life Support calls for a power redistribution and many others. Of course, the most important one to most people is the one where you keep order. Make sure people stay calm and collected. Spread a sense of confidence and security around the place.


You are some of the few people who are armed - exceptions being OCOM/XOs and Head Intel and perhaps a few others. Your armament is mainly shotguns with non-lethal rounds, although you have access to live rounds as well for incursions or other exceptional security issues. Offgame your weapons are pump-action airsoft shotguns, but you will not be provided with BBs for them (and you must never load your guns with BBs in any case). That means you can “shoot” people (pump, aim and fire, which will make a sound) but diegetically you’ve fired a non-lethal bean round that will hurt or knock someone off their feet but not kill or wound. For the situations in which you (diegetically) will have loaded live rounds you will have to state clearly something along the lines of “I have live rounds!”. But that situation should hopefully never occur.

In case of security breaches (ie machines or biologicals getting into the outpost) you will fire normally but we’ll pretend you used live rounds.

The Structure of IntSec

The hierarchy goes as follows: On most days, you’re acting on your own orders. The shift leaders say what’s happening and drafts up a schedule, and they’re the ones the rest of you have to listen to. However, every now and then, Command has a task for you or needs something done, and then you do it. You’re under them in the hierarchy and what Command needs, Command gets. There’s nothing more fancy to how the structure goes. An important part of the structure is reporting to the next group who are going on duty - to ensure they know the situation, the shift leaders are responsible for doing it themselves or, as it happens sometimes, delegating to someone trustworthy.

Authority and Punishments

You have the authority to judge whether someone has broken the rules or not. The rules aren’t written down in a book or in some kind of body of law, but are more practical and direct in nature. They exist in the database, but are easy to remember. They are:

  • Obey your superiors.
  • Work during your shifts.
  • If you cannot work during a shift, you will have to register the lost time with your shift leader and make up for it at a later date.
  • Do not waste resources.
  • Keep the Outpost orderly and tidy
  • Follow all security protocols

The security protocols are things like:

  • Do not go up to the surface or attempt to without supervision and control.
  • If you have been subjected to the outside, make sure to get scrubbed
  • Be on the lookout for traces of Enemy activity
  • Do not try to investigate or meddle in the activities of other branches
  • Follow the alert states
  • Report any diseases or sicknesses to medical

In case we’ve missed something, there might be more, but they aren’t an exact science either and can vary, since they’re established by Command.

Punishments for infractions are usually the stripping of privileges and rights first, like removing coffee substitutes, hours at the gym or video minutes. After that comes added work hours, and after that, forced physical work, corporeal punishments or other disciplinary gestures. It is up to a combination between IntSec and Command to punish people, with Intsec handling all minor things on their own. However, it must always be reported to the Shift Leader and then to Command if a punishment has been dealt out - it is important to make sure everyone knows that you are on their side, you’re not some kind of blank-faced authority.

Typical daily tasks

  • Do the rounds - patrol and just check so that things are fine
  • Interview people about incidents
  • Checking security on doors, fire extinguishers, plastic barriers
  • Breaking up quarrels or work obstruction
  • Exercising - gotta keep yourselves fit
  • Sitting in meetings with Command about current state of things
  • Briefing the team
  • Assisting QMs in retrieving items that have been recalled from people, or that have been lost
  • Deciding together on necessary punishments for minor things
  • Hearing with Command over major infractions
  • Carrying out any necessary disciplinary action
  • Helping out with tactical training (often together with StaffSGTs)
  • Ensuring electricity usage is compliant with Life Support’s demands
  • Making sure silence is kept in the sleeping quarters

Rare or special tasks

  • Establishing check-points during high risk situations
  • Ensuring Code Blue silence or Code red assembly
  • First response to security breaches
  • Detaining people for serious incidents
  • Assisting Intel in bringing people in for interviews
  • Stopping people who have ignored security protocols

When: 5th to 8th of April 2018

Where: Lurbo, Uppsala, Sweden


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